1. 邀请人发出的邀请信Invitation letter
2. 邀请人的护照复印件和拘留许可复印件
In order to get an entry visa to Tonga, every applicant needs to submit the following:
1. 有效期至少 6 个月的护照Passport with validity of at least 6 months
2. 护照复印件,身份证复印件以及户口本复印件各一份。Photo copy of passport, Chinese ID and Chinese Household Registration Book
3. 英文填写完整的签证申请表格,附 1 张2 寸本人近期照片Completed Tonga Visitor’s Visa Application Form with a 2 inch recent photo attached
4. 申请人所在单位的营业执照复印件
5. 单位派遣函,须包括在职证明、收入证明及公司准假证明等内容!!Certificate of Employment
6. 如果出国经费没在派遣函中说明是单位承担,必须出具申请人银行存款证明(不少于 5 万人民币) Certificate of Income and certificate of deposit of no less than RMB50,000.00.
7. 无刑事犯罪公证书原件Notarial certificate of no record of criminal (Original)
8. 机票订单及酒店订单(我单位可以出具)Air ticket booking record/reference and hotel booking record
9. 已婚申请人,需提交配偶同意该申请人申请签证及旅行的信件Married applicant should also provide a letter from the spouse